CV  Dr. Hans Gerd Lüesse

++49 (0) 172 5277128

Personal data

nationality:     german

Present Position

2008 - 10/2010
 Lab Head Microbiology,DELFI COCOA EUROPE, Quality Management, GLP, Pest Management,

ISO 22000, HACCP, GMP, food, environmental and water analysis and diagnostics, 

process control

2003 - 2008
Lab director AVENTRA, quality management, food, feed and water analysis and diagnostics food design and development, veterinary diagnostics, mobile lab construction
research project leader: laser-based fluorescence analysis of pathogens, joint venture University Göttingen, AVENTRA diagnostics, BMBF

Former Positions

2001 - 2003
Lab Group Leader: Project Extracellular Matrix Metalloproteinases,
Biochemistry, Prof. Dr.Jürgen Frey, University Bielefeld

1999 -2001
Lab Group Leader: Project Chorea Huntington,
Neurological Clinic, OA PD Dr. Christoph Kosinski, University Hospital RWTH Aachen

1998 -1999
Patent attorney Lenzing & Gerber, Düsseldorf
project management, analysis, patent law cases and patent protection
project management AGENDA 21(energy, transport, agriculture, local environment) University/City of Osnabrück

1996 -1997
Lab Group Leader
Neuroanatomy, Animal Research
Institute of Anatomy – University Hospital Magdeburg

1993 -1995
project management, primary production
marketing research - food
OSIRIS foreign trade consultancy
congress management - University Osnabrück

1989 -1992
Lab Group Leader
Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Level-II Bacteria
Veterinary Medical Microbiology, Research Institute Borstel for experimental Biology and Medicine


November 1992: PhD at University Göttingen
human tropical medicine, microbiology, animal tropical hygiene

1985 - 1989
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Institute for Animal Diseases in the Tropics and Subtropics, Prof.Dr.H.Seifert
animal production, animal tropical diseases, experimental microbiologic Diploma thesis, bioreactor and cell culture technology, virology;
Exams : Dipl.-Ing.agr.

Microbiology, animal nutrition, animal hygiene, genetics, physiology animal production

1981 - 1985
Friedrich-Wilhelm-University Bonn
basic studies in agriculture, one-year farm practice, economic studies


1980 - 1981 San.Btl.7, Hamm (medical staff) and Fsch.Jg.Btl.272, Wildeshausen (Paratroopers)


1967 - 1980
Graf-Stauffenberg-Gymasium, Osnabrück, Abitur (A-level)
latin, biology politcal sciences, arts

professional organisations

Neurowissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (Society of Neuroscience)
Deutsche Parasitologische Gesellschaft (German Society of Parasitology)
Deutsche Tropenmedizinische Gesellschaft (German Society for Tropical Medicine) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Versuchstierkunde (GV-SOLAS)
Deutsche Veterinärmedizinische Gesellschaft (DVG)
International Ornithological Society (IOC)
Slow Food Germany


german - native
english - near native (CPE)
roman languages - basics

sabatticals, trainings, courses

agriculture, farming, animal production, veterinary hygiene, bird protection, languages,computingg, communication technologies